Sunday, August 26, 2012

Opinions ~ Family ~ Kids [How To Make It Easier]

Oh, we find it so cute of you when you get angry about others decisions, especially when it comes to how to raise your kids and what products they should use. We find it so cute because you're making such a hard time for yourselves! With the immense love there is for you and everyone, we find it cute when you get angry and rebel. It is really a very natural way to react, even though there is an easier, still natural, way to react in these situations. What makes it hard for you is that you see your kids as "yours", and society helps you with that false assumption. Society uses your kids to punish you, and control you in a sense. It's very effective because most of you are afraid to be punished and afraid to be seen as outsiders or what you call "abnormal". What you call abnormal, in most cases, we actually call NORMAL. Really, it's not your job to make your kids behave, it's not your job to choose for your kids when comes to anything at all. They are as individual as yourself, and as full of unique desires as yourself, and with as strong will as yourself to Be-The-Uniqueness-Of-Themselves! Remind yourself of this when it comes to all family and relatives that you try to control, change or choose for. Same with the other way around, the ones that are trying to control, change or choose for you. It's none of their business.
What you call abnormal, in most cases, we actually call NORMAL. Really, it's not your job to make your kids behave, it's not your job to choose for your kids when comes to anything at all. They are as individual as yourself, and as full of unique desires as yourself, and with as strong will as yourself to Be-The-Uniqueness-Of-Themselves! Remind yourself of this when it comes to all family and relatives that you try to control, change or choose for. Same with the other way around, the ones that are trying to control, change or choose for you. It's none of their business.
We find the word business funny, busy-ness, yes, you keep yourselves very BUSY with these kind of tasks! And when a new individual comes through into your world, it's custom for you to take care of him or her in some way, since so new that it cannot feed itself so the desire of this newborn is very strongly calling for "an introduction into this world" by whomever it might be. Why we put it this way is because there are many of you who have lived your whole life blaming family members for not being there for you, might it be you were adopted, left at orphanage or having parents that were to busy with trying to making themselves happy such as having as you put it "issues with drugs or alcohol" or whatever else that is consuming their attention. Now, what we are saying is, that really, your family is a gathering of people (smaller or bigger group) that is really simply a gathering of people, that you sometimes "know" (used here as your sense of the word "knowing one another") a lot better than other people surrounding you. You make a big deal out of who belongs to which family and such, a lot more big of a deal that is necessary. Really there is no need to make any deal of it. Your society is amplifying it too, so we understand that you are in most cases "trained" into seeing it this way. And you tend to "feel sorry" for people that have not had the so called "normal" upbringing. We find you so funny in this regard because really, everyone, no matter the "constellation" of the family has a UNIQUE upbringing, everyone - even sisters and brothers of the same family who are living together with same parents!
And you tend to "feel sorry" for people that have not had the so called "normal" upbringing. We find you so funny in this regard because really, everyone, no matter the "constellation" of the family has a UNIQUE upbringing, everyone - even sisters and brothers of the same family who are living together with same parents!
And how a family appear from the "outside", this can not say how "good" or how "bad" this family functions. It's interesting with you setting labels on all things, but we see how it makes it easier for yourselves, however we want to remind you since we have you within our attention right now - what you have labeled is not "universally true" although it is highly truthful for you, yourself. Remind yourselves that when you have labeled something, it is YOUR labeling. And no-one can label accurately for another person, because everyone has a UNIQUE perspective of life that keeps evolving during the lifetime. We see you push against this and that opinion, this and that behavior, this and that product. And it's not so different from any other subject you are dealing with. You have your own unique perspective of life and if you cannot get others to agree on your opinion, at least you want to be respected for it. This we want for you too. Although, remind yourself, when you find yourself in a situation when someone is in strong disagreement with you, this is in most cases fear-based. In some situations it's mostly about frustration with lack-of-respect. But anyhow, remind yourself of these aspects of it. We see you make it hard for yourself in the name of your own fears. It is entertaining. And what we want to remind you of is, exactly THAT, that it is entertaining because it is NOT necessary in this life to make decisions based on fear. You can make your decisions based on PERSONAL PREFERENCE, so make it easy for yourselves, be easy on yourselves and others when they challenge your point of view ~ Remind yourself that no one but you have your own unique perspective, no one.
We see you make it hard for yourself in the name of your own fears. It is entertaining. And what we want to remind you of is, exactly THAT, that it is entertaining because it is NOT necessary in this life to make decisions based on fear. You can make your decisions based on PERSONAL PREFERENCE, so make it easy for yourselves, be easy on yourselves and others when they challenge your point of view ~ Remind yourself that no one but you have your own unique perspective, no one.
And you cannot even understand each others points of view if too far apart. This does not mean that any of you have a "wrong" point of view, this never happens - in the sense that your point of view is YOURS, so do not confuse it with "the right one for everyone" ! Be the chooser of YOUR PERSONAL PREFERENCE, remember how everyone has that privilege and rejoice in the immense variety of wonderful choices to pick from. The funny thing about this topic is that there is a lot of "political debate" around this, and if you find debating interesting then feel free to go ahead and discuss, but remind yourself - if you have a different point of view (which is the most likely), the discussion can be made from a stance of curiosity about the other ones opinion, but if you make it your quest to try control, change or choose opinion for the other one.. if you try to convince each other of your unique point of view, then you are making it very hard for yourselves. As we always point out, you will never say or do anything that will not benefit in the long run. NOTE that we say "in the long run", because it can seem the complete opposite in the current situation that you are in!!! Remind yourself of this, and your life becomes easier instantly!
As we always point out, you will never say or do anything that will not benefit in the long run. NOTE that we say "in the long run", because it can seem the complete opposite in the current situation that you are in!!! Remind yourself of this, and your life becomes easier instantly!
You did not come to struggle your way, although it is your choice and you can choose struggle, you did not intend to make it the hardest on yourself that you could. Remind yourself of it. KNOW that "EASY" is available for you ANYTIME, and it feels lighter, it feels funner, it feels easier... and it's not "cheating" from our point of view - it is ENJOYING LIFE, just as you INTENDED! Now, go ahead, enjoy an EASIER moment, right NOW!!!! We LOVE YOU IMMENSELY!!!
August 26th, 2012 ***Related message on Relationships HERE

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Improving Your Relationships

We watch you with great love as you struggle so much when it comes to relationships. And we now mean even the ones that have seemingly good relations. You try control and change eachother in a very ineffective way, which is funny to us. We'd recommend, as we always do, to turn your attention to your own power to live and choose how you want to, in your own unique way as you let others choose and be as they are. Have you noticed that when you live together you can be as miserable as when you where complaining about living alone and the other way around. And why is that? It is becasue it is YOU experiencing it, and all experiences regardless of the situation depends on your "inner state". If you are confident and empowered you care less about circumstances, have you noticed?
If you are confident and empowered you care less about circumstances, have you noticed?
You can make fun of things that are "serious", have you noticed? When you are in love, how much do you care in THAT moment about the "issues" of anything.. be it the world, the society or your household.. Have you ever been in the state of In-Love and faced a challenge... like a leakage in the house, or something "very serious", where you took it really light and even laughed.. and KNEW it would be alright? That is how you feel like when you are in love, and you feel that it is REAL that all is well and that things are and will be alright... So, well, what we're trying to remind you of here is that the STATE was the only thing that was different, than in a situation where you go bananas and start worrying about the whole house being destroyed by the water, having nowhere to live.. The exact SAME situation can be met with very different response depending on how your state of being is at that moment. If you have a strong pattern of worry, you might snap out of your in-love-state (which we would call "your NATURAL state") and spinn off down that road... If you have that pattern, and want to change it, there is good news, it is an easy task. And we have been pointing out "how-to" before in a clear way. Remind yourself of it! (Read more about "how" HERE) As with every subject, relationship-issues, have same kind of approach-solution, so remind yourself of that often. We encourage self-empowerment and to reach for "full" empowerment. What do we mean? We mean that you can be empowered on ALL subjects and we mean that you can feel powerful and in charge on ALL subjects. Ain't that something?
We encourage self-empowerment and to reach for "full" empowerment. What do we mean? We mean that you can be empowered on ALL subjects and we mean that you can feel powerful and in charge on ALL subjects. Ain't that something?
We always want to emphasise the freedom of your OWN unique choice in all situations, and the fact that however you choose - it will benefit, so let go of the fear of "making desicions". This is something that we notice is stopping you and "messing up" your flow. And we don't mean mess in the "negative sense" as we know everything will benefit, it's just that we're wanting to remind you over and over that it CAN be easier than you currently are making it!!! It can all be VERY easy, joyful, yet challenging although in a beneficial way.
...we're wanting to remind you over and over that it CAN be easier than you currently are making it!!! It can all be VERY easy, joyful, yet challenging although in a beneficial way.
So Remind yourself often of your freedom of choice, which is valid for everyone, even those who are choosing the opposite of what you would. And Remind yourself often of your power, and that everything that is coming your way (however it seems) is of benefit to you! This is valid for all, so when you witness someone else in "trouble", remind yourself of that too. It is BENFICIAL to them. And you witnessing them, however it makes you feel, it is BENEFICIAL to you too. We would reach for as much alignment as we possible could, and alignment always feels Lighter, it feels Easier, it feels like Flow, it feels like "Everything is alright already", it feels like "everything is of benefit, nomatter how it seems right now". It feels better, it feels freer, it feels surer, it feels stable, it feels powerful, it feels like no-strings-attached, it feels like "be however you want, I can hadle it, bring it on", it feels like amazement, it feels like "I am backed up", it feels like "I have guidance in every moment".
We would reach for as much alignment as we possible could, and alignment always feels Lighter, it feels Easier, it feels like Flow, it feels like "Everything is alright already", it feels like "everything is of benefit, nomatter how it seems right now". It feels better, it feels freer, it feels surer, it feels stable, it feels powerful, it feels like no-strings-attached, it feels like "be however you want, I can hadle it, bring it on", it feels like amazement, it feels like "I am backed up", it feels like "I have guidance in every moment".
Go get yourself feeling some more empowerment, there is no end to what you can accomplish! You are a powerful being alright, the details can be JUST as you would love them. Empower yourself, and you are THERE, you can feel it and you KNOW your worthiness! When you feel that way, there is not a care in the world to argue, to try to change feel independant and you KNOW you can live your unique life! You can choose whichever theme of relationships you want it is your life, we are here to remind you there is an even easier and more enjoyable way if you'd fancy. Grab it, if and when you'd like. It will not "expire"!!!
You can choose whichever theme of relationships you want it is your life, we are here to remind you there is an even easier and more enjoyable way if you'd fancy. Grab it, if and when you'd like. It will not "expire"!!!
We love you soo much, and we are always here for you, get a handle on how you can feel us and let us guide you ~ if you want and don't already know. There is SO much empowerment you have no idea, you really do not have the slightest idea, we can assure you - get sniffin on it if curious. It is a delight to live, and you never have to feel "alone" or "unloved". Remind yourself of it!
There is SO much empowerment you have no idea, you really do not have the slightest idea, we can assure you - get sniffin on it if curious. It is a delight to live, and you never have to feel "alone" or "unloved". Remind yourself of it!
August 23th, 2012 *** Related message on Opinions/Family/Parenting/Kids HERE

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aligned Aging ~ Food Choices ~ How To Enjoy A Less Bumpy Ride

We love when we hear you wanting eternal youth in the sense that you are always fresh and radiantly youthful when aligned. You are asking for alignment, to feel better about the subject, to feel better in your body or to feel better about yourself when feeling yourself or looking at yourself.That is what "concern about aging" is about.
You are asking for alignment, to feel better about the subject, to feel better in your body or to feel better about yourself when feeling yourself or looking at yourself. That is what "concern about aging" is about.
Your body is always changing, and it is a natural thing in the sense that you will not remain as a newborn all your life. You evolve in the sense that you experience and explore the world and you hatch the desire to move yourself and then move with more skill and then run and then run fast and then you balance on one foot, on two hands and on one hand... You evolve and in EVERY stage of this, and in whatever order you choose to do this, we support you with clarity. It is a very beautiful process from our perspective. And as you can find fulfillment in any moment you can find fulfillment in any stage of your life. There is always a beauty of every stage. We would appreciate where we are and where we have been so far, we would embrace all that has been, what you call "your past" and we would appreciate how all the pieces of our past have given us clarity on how we personally want to live from here. Everything you live sparks desires and the next step you take is towards those desires. Ever evolving process.
There is such beauty and delight at every age and you can feel that every age is the best age yet if you see it for what it really is - or lets say - if you see it from our perspective.
Some of you experience challenges and that is alright, nevertheless from our perspective the ever evolving process of each of you individually is a sheer delight to witness! As we have pointed out before (click HERE for one example..), you yourself personally make your individual choices on how to live and on how to view your life. We love how the variety of choices is so vast and we love how the uniqueness of each of you shine through nomatter how much some of you try to go "mainstream", you are still so beautifully unique with your own perspective and your own preferences from which you continue to choose what you prefer where you currently are and for the next step that you take. We are always with you, weather you choose to "listen to us" or not. We communicare with you through thoughs, feelings, insights, ideas and other brilliance. And the more aligned you are with what is "natural" (the Source), the more receptive you are for our guidance of you, which makes your ride less bumpy if you wish. Your guidance is your individual guidance, and it has YOUR personal unique perspective of what you've preferred for yourself in the past, all tiny little details it holds for you - and so, it is your very personal guide to what you PERSONALLY prefer.
And the more aligned you are with what is "natural" (the Source), the more receptive you are for our guidance of you, which makes your ride less bumpy if you wish. Your guidance is your individual guidance, and it has YOUR personal unique perspective of what you've preferred for yourself in the past, all tiny little details it holds for you - and so, it is your very personal guide to what you PERSONALLY prefer.
This is why you can feel so different about the same subject. Its "in line" with one person, yet not "in line" with another. And you make a big deal of this if you don't understand that it is utterly personal. You have magazines with all kindsa people telling their views and opinions of music, politicians, celebrities, movies, comedians, cultures, laws and regulations. You love giving your two cents on things and, as we have pointed out before (Click HERE to read about it, and HERE is a related message) you always feel that you have the last vote on it, that you KNOW "how it is". And you do, for yourself, from YOUR unique perspective it is how you describe it in your review of this and that. What is great about this is that you can form groups with people liking similar things. You have already noticed that even if another person like ALOT of the things you do, and seem to have almost identical taste, they DO NOT entierly have that. They have lived another life than you, and they have somewhat different preferences. Anyhow, many people follow certain music genres or movie makers cuz they genuinely adore what is created in those fields, and others follow becasue they think it is appropriate to do so or becasue someone they admire like it. Any reason to choose it is the right reason for you at that given moment. And you can change your mind anytime. You came here to choose for yourself and those of you who are confident enough or stubborn enough - you choose yourself regardless of what anyone else might think or say about you. That is how we see you when you are aligned with the broader perspective. You feel the "calling" from inside and you hook up with the unique match combination of experiences, music, artists, politicians, teachers, friends etc that benefit you in THAT very moment. In the next moment it has changed.It always has changed SOME, because that previous moment sparked new insights and desires for you, even though it might seem "very much the same" it can potentially ALSO change significantly if you wish. This very individual guidance is there for you when comes to all things, including the "hot potato" of food choices. It is utterly individual what you "need" in the moment as well as in general.
This very individual guidance is there for you when comes to all things, including the "hot potato" of food choices. It is utterly individual what you "need" in the moment as well as in general.
The choices you feel like, depend not only on what your body wishes but also on what kind of beliefs you have about certain foods AND about your own body. When you are aligned, feel good, you generally go for food that IN THAT MOMENT is what your own body askes for. No judgement about "healthy food" etc, it is about what your body wants right then and there. And if you choose what you feel "most inclined to" at any moment, regardless the variety of choice - THAT will benefit your body in that moment. The "most inclined" feeling is how to make ANY choice, on any subject, it is US giving you a clue. Follow it or not, everything benefits you in the long run, so forget about being concerned about making the "right" choice.. just do what you feel most inclined to - IF you are able to... and if not, no big deal!!
The "most inclined" feeling is how to make ANY choice, on any subject, it is US giving you a clue.
Follow it or not, everything benefits you in the long run, so forget about being concerned about making the "right" choice.. just do what you feel most inclined to - IF you are able to... and if not, no big deal!!
Your fear about eating the wrong thing, the unhealthy thing, the toxic thing.. or whatever in that mind-set.. that is what kinda "sets you off balance" in your own individual sense. And you can FEEL different with different foods, but it is not universal for all to feel that way about THAT food and it varies from moment to moment as your body askes for different things in different circumstances. We would not judge ourselves NOR anyone else for their food choices, we would follow our inspiration and ENJOY our personal choice while leaving everyone else free to choose their own. There is SO MUCH variety on all subjects to explore and experiment with, WOW, are you not amazed??? Are you not filled with Wonder about the neverending awesomeness of this fabulous life you are part of. Or shall we say, this fabulous GAME. It is a game, and you do what you love, let others do what they love, follow your instincts or inspiration if you wish.. (click HERE for more on this) and when it seems challenging - remind yourself its as much fiction as a Game Boy.. When you play that kinda games, don't you LOVE when the game tries to challenge you? Don't you love to witness your skills improve as you take yourself through the "hindrances" again and again, don't you just LOVE getting a hang of how the game works and use that experience as a way to ENJOY the game more and more fully! Then, whenever you feel like it, just go grab yourself a new game !!! We ADORE this Game and We LOVE witnessing you in it, we LOVE being there for you whenever you wish and We LOVE all stages of the game you are in and which ever path you follow to make it your unique experience. NOW, Go Grab Some New Points for yourselves!!!!
We ADORE this Game and We LOVE witnessing you in it, we LOVE being there for you whenever you wish and We LOVE all stages of the game you are in and which ever path you follow to make it your unique experience. NOW, Go Grab Some New Points for yourselves!!!!
August 21st, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Making Up Money

Money ~ "...That is the most powerful advice we can give! We would never encourage to try "making money" as our goal... "
One of your means to experience what you want is through money. You have made it up yourself, and it is sort of corrupted. We laugh, although with immense love and appreciation. Money has sort of made it hard for you to remember your worthiness. [Read more on Worthiness HERE] But since all you're living is of benefit, this experience is too! We only want to remind you to not get stuck with the idea that money is the only means to experience what you want. We would say the most powerful means to experience what you want is your mind. Your mind is more powerful than what you call money. Oh, it seems like money is everything for sooo many of you. And this is why we would like to remind you that you are as rich as you feel. And whatever you can "make up in your mind", and you can make up anything, you can live. Regardless of your "money-status". We would make up loans paid off if you have any of those, becasue that is what we see holding alot of you back. You think more about your debts than what you love, when you think about what you love... you tend to lean to your debts which you think is the one hindrance (or one of the hindrances). So, first of all, we would make up a debt free experience. And from there, we would imagine living what we would love. And we would do it, WITHOUT counting the money aspect into it! That is what we would do. You are free to choose however you love it! Pay off your debts right now or make it up as paid off in your mind. That is the basis to start from! And we would LET money or experiences come to us, we would not ask others to lend us. And why? Becasue it is creating an imbalance in us if we "make it happen" instead of letting it come. We will explain it further; You act from a "needing", which is not who-you-are or how you want to live! If you do not have the money to the experience you want, just KNOW it will come to you, the experience will come ~ one way or another! Know your power and act from it! If you force the experience into your life, through taking a loan, you will have to be VERY aligned to make up for that imbalance. Why? Because you act from a very disconnected place with believing in your need for it! Big or small amount. You can always make it happen without it! Make it your challenge, your adventure to do so! Why are we saying this? Our quest is to EMPOWER YOU!!! All things are of benefit. But as we always say, we would choose to make it EASY for ourselves. The easiest way is the Natural Way, which is letting it in. It is for you too! If you do not belive it, do it the hard way. We are just saying there is an easier way than the one you think is easy. And we'd rather let the EXPERIENCE in, than the money. And why? Because you are hindering yourself through thinking that money is the most powerful means. Got us???! Aim for experience, not necessarily the money. And we would not involve other people in this. If it didn't come VERY naturally as a flow from them, without our asking verbally! (The Why to that, we have already explained!) You are a POWERFUL creator, alright ~ then, who cares about money? Experiment until you believe in yourself. That is the most powerful advice we can give! We would never encourage to try "making money" as our goal, we would make our goal to explore our infinite power to create, way beyond any money can give us... Freedom on all levels!!! That is what is NATURAL for you!
August 18th, 2012 *** Related post on JOB/CARREER, click HERE

Exploring, Experiencing, Experimenting [Job/Carreer]

Job and Carreer ~
Ever wondered why you "need" to work to earn your living? Ever questioned the why-we-have-to-work? If you have, great! That is the healthy way of viewing it, you should not "need" to work, especially not with something you are not enjoying. Life is about exploring, experiencing, experimenting! And it is supposed to continue on, even after you, as you say "Grow up", "Become an Adult". Oh, we love you so much, but really - we would also be grumpy and unsatisfied with your beliefs about "adulthood". It is not at all how you intended to live. And this is why it feels so very off to you! You are supposed to play all your life, in the attitude of child and teen. [Read "Can I Be Good at Anything?" HERE] Pick and choose "at random", live spontaneously with the knowing that everything is of benefit especially the things seemingly going wrong. So, what happened, and why are you making it so hard on yourselves. We know there are people out there living marvellous lives, but we are not aiming this for them - they would never care to read this, they ARE already fullfilled and living the way they want to. Why you read this, is because you would want your life to improve, and you are not really sure about if it can..or if you can do anything about it. If you really KNEW that you were in charge of it all, you would most likely not be drawn to this message. So, well, what happened was that you bought in on the ones around you, their beliefs. You bought in to them and carried them as your own truths, without testing them first. [Read "How Can I Know I'm Right?" HERE]And there is nothing wrong with it, because all truths are truths. Although you really came here to CHOOSE your own particular truth. So well, good news, you can make up your own story now!!! And if you want to have a story where working equals "doing the right thing", by all means you will be supported in that belief and you are unconditionally loved within that. Most likey you, reading this, are interested in making up your own new story including living freely regarding that subject. No-strings-attached when comes to those things. And we say this is what you can be supported in aswell, and unconditionally loved for too. When we say unconditionally loved, we mean by Source, the creator of All-That-Is. We do not mean your society, your lover, your man made laws etc. And this means, that you can live "beyond" all that. And how can I do that, you say? You experiment with it, gradually, and you understand how with experience. If we say how, when you havent experienced it yourself you will not understand. It can only come from experience. Your reality seem very non-changable, but it is not. This you will not have to take our word for, even if we would do so. You can experiment yourself to that knowing. If you fancy of course. It is all up to you. How strong is the desire, and how hard it is for you right now to "live the normal way". The one of those that is the strongest will determin if you will experiment with this or stick with what you have. Nothing is the right way. There is only the "feeling-right"way, whatever feels the rightest is, for you. [Read "The Right Way" HERE] We want to make you aware that you can experiment and choose other ways, if you fancy. That is all. Our intention is not to make you anything that you are not, you are here to choose it ALL yourself, even if that means you will follow other peoples beliefs and ways, it is fully up to you. You are at your core free and abundant in love. You are at your core free and abundant in confidence. You are able of anything. You are fully supported, fully guided and fully unconditionally adored for who you have choosen to be, this time around.
August 18th, 2012 *** Related post on MONEY/MONEY MAKING, click HERE

It's Up For Grabs! [How-To]

Trust ~
Your instincts are with you to guide you. Do not confuse instincts with what you've learned in society or from your family, goverment or peer group, though! Here we mean the things you did "without thinking". You can never do anything "wrong" in the broad sense, not ever. Be certain that everytime you experience something you don't like, it is for your benefit. Sounds wierd to you might be, but that is how this Universe is made up. Really nothing is for your disadvantage. [Read more about this HERE] It might seem like it, in the moment. And you might curse someone, something or a situation. But, be sure, it is starting to benefit you RIGHT THEN and THERE. So, what happens? You get stuck on the wrongness of it, and cannot get your thought off it - that is the only way it can "go wrong", and that is only on an individual feel-bases. It does not go wrong, it just feels like it, seems like it. And ONLY because THAT very individual (You for example) is pondering it in a way that feels bad and unfair and all that kind of "wrongness-thinking". We would recommend, if you wanted to feel good and if you wanted to start to experience the benefit of what you just experienced as wrong or unfair or something else you didn't fancy. Yes, then we would recommend you to get yourself to REMEMBER. And how do I do that, if I'm far from the knowing of it, you say? We say; anything of distracting nature will do. And what is distracting to one person might not be for another, and in certain situation something that previously worked, might not work as well as last time. So we recommend to remind youself consciously, if that is avaliable for you at that time and on that subject. And if not, distract yourself to start thinking about something else. You can do something that REALLY takes keen concentration... a balancing act can very well do! It can be as simple as starting to sing, dance, jump, do some heavy physical work, some "hard" mental work, listen to music, play music, go outside, take a walk, smell the air, hug a tree, take photographs, make a list of your favourite ways to distract yourself... and make a mental note right now: "All happening is of benefit to me, I might not know the outcome yet, but it IS of benefit to me. I can be the chooser of the outcome and in charge of myself. Am I willing to distract myself right now?" You totally are in charge, so when you are not willing to distract yourself, you have choosen to linger in it some more. It will benefit you. Whatever you choose will benefit. The question is ONLY; "How would I fancy to feel right now?" Good, right? We would choose GOOD or something like FABULOUS, MUSING, REJOICING... well, yes, something like that, which feels really nice and cosy. We'd recommend that for you too. There is no need ever to feel "bad" by choice. As soon as you notice that you're not feeling as you want, you can change it. And making it hard for yourself is your choice. There is actually no need to ponder Why you are feeling bad, only KNOW everything is of benefit for you, and so - go on to feeling however you fancy in the moment. We'd make it easy for ourselves, and we mean on all subjects. Easy on all subjects. There is sooo much LOVE avaliable, so much feeling-magnificent for you to just GRAB for yourself, in every moment... Doesn't that feel like the party you signed up for??? ENJOY!!! Oh, and knowing comes with experience. If you do not have it already, you will, with every little step you take. And you are guided all the way, not alone. But in company and loved unconditionally for every little tiny detail that you are!
August 18th, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why Do I Impose Bad Stuff On Myself? (Q&A)

What About The Bad Stuff?
Yes, what about it? You have made it up yourself, you tell us! We say: You make it up and you impose it on yourself... And you say: Why Do I Impose Bad Stuff Happening To Me? And We say, you create it and you can also create the meaning of it! We do not label it as "bad" ~ we label it as "Means Of Improvement", and we would recommend that perspective for you too, because we assume that you ask this with the desire to feel better about it, and we know we are right. You can choose how to feel about it. So, if you ask us how to view it - we would not label it as "bad stuff". So, can you feel the difference in seeing it like this: "Why did I Create This Bad Stuff Happening To Me?" compared to: "Oh, here are the new Means Of Improvement, that I ordered. I'll love to see what comes out of this! Thank you, Me!". We Love that last one, and that is taking life as you intended, in a playful manner. Go Ahead and Choose Your Truths!! We love you soo much!!!!
August 11th, 2012

Who Is My Spiritual Guide? (Q&A)

Who is my Spiritual Guide?
When you say "my guide" or "my inner voice" it is really several or many, and the combination of talents that you believe you have. This means that you have access to any and every talent there is, and instantly because we do not experience time and space as you do. So we can be there instantly as you experience it, and be at different places at the same time if we are specifically asked for by several of you at once - which is the case not only when comes to big masters, but also your loved ones that are as you say "alive" at this time. Every time you think about someone, that persons energy so to speak "comes to you", joins you. No need in twisting your brain to understand it, energy can shift into anything desirable and be everywhere at once, and while some part of it change form into one thing... another part of it changes form into another. Leave it there and experiment for yourself.
August 11th, 2012 *** Related Question HERE

Can I Be Good At Anything? (Q&A)

You wonder why people have their personality traits and talents? It can be explained generally like this; it depends on the variety of non-physical beings they have gathered together "with you" and who of them are the most active in you at the present time. One can let forward whatever trait desired through "calling on it", and one or several non-physical beings are right there with you as a result of your asking for it. Let them act through you and there you have the trait you asked for. You have to allow them to play with you, and in that sense be open to the idea that you are not alone, that you are always supported and welcoming them to be part of you. It is a very easy thing, and always feels wonderful. You can be good at anything, and how to do that consciously is to let your non-physical part "through" to be part in the action. If you are not good at something (which is fine of course, one can choose preferences on what to cultivate more or less), that mean that on that subject you are not letting the non-physical part through enough. It can be by beliefs like "I am bad at this". You have all encountered people that are good at most things, and it is because they let their non-physical part through enough on all those. There is also no-end to improvement, you are the ultimate creator and we are here to assist in the expansion.
August 11th, 2012 *** Related Question HERE

How Can Know I'm Right? (Q&A)

I've read "The Right Way", would you clarify why I feel bad sometimes even if I know that I am right? Shouldn't it feel empowering if I am right?
Oh, we love to explain this to you, or shall we say "REMIND" you. Because this is, so to speak, part of the whole agreement. Before coming into physical you knew the "rules of the game". One of your strongest traits is to know you are right and that you were to choose to live this life in your unique way, find your own truth. While there are many choices; some resonate more with the non-physical-perspective of how it is, some choices resonate less. That is where your emotion about it comes in. You can KNOW you are right, or "this is how-it-is" as you say. And as you feel certain about your rightness you also feel bad about it being so. It is your reminder of that there are other perspectives to choose from, others which resonate with enjoying life. You are still free to choose your truths, unconditionally free, while when you choose a perspective that resonates with the non-physical-perspective of this game you play - then you are "In Alignment" with non-physical (The Ultimate Source) and you ENJOY that current part of your life.
August 11th, 2012 *** To read related message "Which Is The Right Way", click HERE

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Which Is The Right Way

On The Right Way ~ Oh, the love we feel for you when you make it really hard for yourselves and you want others to do it your hard-way.
Oh, the love we feel for you as you try soo hard when its really not hard. Oh, the love we feel for you when you decide which option is the only-right-one and when you try make others agree on it. Oh, the love we feel for you when we see you push against eachother where each of you firmly believe that your opinion is the only-right-way. Oh, the love we feel for you when you make it really hard for yourselves and you want others to do it your hard-way. Oh, the love we feel for you when you are so stubborn in your knowing that IT is the right thing. Yes, you are right it IS right, cuz every thing and every way is right. And this is what makes it so stubborn for you to try change others. What is right for you IS right for you. And what is right for another IS right for another, no matter how far-off it seems to you. That is the elegancy of your determination to find the VERY right thing, you came to find the very right things and ways for yourself all subjects encountered. It, though, is an individual thing. EVERYONE came to find their OWN right-thing. Hard to hear maybe. None the less, that is how it is. Everytime you condemn someone elses choice, you deprive yourself of the infinite variety of choices avaliable. How does it feel to condemn their choice? Yes, you should feel that you are right in your OWN desicion, cuz you always are right when comes to your own choices which feels best for you. Just not choose choices for anyone else, not tell them what or how to do things. It is none of your business. Your business is to choose for yourself and live it to the best of your ability. You are determant to be the ONE making choices and decisions, and YES, it is what you came for. Only thing, it counts for YOU only. You are not here to decide for anyone else, you do not know the best for anyone else. Only them can know, and it is up to them to choose fully how to live this time around. Does it feel tricky living together with others not sharing your opinions. That is where "you make it so hard on yourself" comes in. It is not hard, or should we say "you can choose to do it the natural way", which is: you choose for yourself what feels best for you, what you prefer, and live by it, while appreciating that YOU have the free choice of creating the colors on your palette painting your life. In the appreciation that YOU, yourself, have this always-free-choice ~ it comes natural for you to remember that everyone chooses for themselves exclusively. What stirs it up for you is the strong feeling of being right at all times. And you are, always, when it comes to yourself. We love you so much!!!!
August 9th 2012 *** Read Related [Answer to Questions regarding the above message] HERE


On Worthiness ~ When in alignment you know your worth so fully, you never ever sense accusation of any sort hence no urge to defend oneself.
You know that in alignment you always act in a cluster, its never "little you" acting - it's done in collective from a broader perspective, so "little you" doesn't know the whole picture and is never as you say responsible or blameable in the sense that we mean it. You can seem to be accused and blamed by others, but its your own story you're telling. When in alignment you know your worth so fully, you never ever sense accusation of any sort hence no urge to defend oneself. The feeling of urge to accuse and point out wrongness is always from a non-aligned state of being. The feeling of urge to defend oneself comes from that same place of non-alignment. No action can be a wrong-action in the broader sense, although it is more or less aligned as we see it and you are fully able to choose which way to act, live and respond in every circumstance. Alignment always feels lighter and freer, that is how you know the difference.
August 8th 2012