Thursday, August 23, 2012

Improving Your Relationships

We watch you with great love as you struggle so much when it comes to relationships. And we now mean even the ones that have seemingly good relations. You try control and change eachother in a very ineffective way, which is funny to us. We'd recommend, as we always do, to turn your attention to your own power to live and choose how you want to, in your own unique way as you let others choose and be as they are. Have you noticed that when you live together you can be as miserable as when you where complaining about living alone and the other way around. And why is that? It is becasue it is YOU experiencing it, and all experiences regardless of the situation depends on your "inner state". If you are confident and empowered you care less about circumstances, have you noticed?
If you are confident and empowered you care less about circumstances, have you noticed?
You can make fun of things that are "serious", have you noticed? When you are in love, how much do you care in THAT moment about the "issues" of anything.. be it the world, the society or your household.. Have you ever been in the state of In-Love and faced a challenge... like a leakage in the house, or something "very serious", where you took it really light and even laughed.. and KNEW it would be alright? That is how you feel like when you are in love, and you feel that it is REAL that all is well and that things are and will be alright... So, well, what we're trying to remind you of here is that the STATE was the only thing that was different, than in a situation where you go bananas and start worrying about the whole house being destroyed by the water, having nowhere to live.. The exact SAME situation can be met with very different response depending on how your state of being is at that moment. If you have a strong pattern of worry, you might snap out of your in-love-state (which we would call "your NATURAL state") and spinn off down that road... If you have that pattern, and want to change it, there is good news, it is an easy task. And we have been pointing out "how-to" before in a clear way. Remind yourself of it! (Read more about "how" HERE) As with every subject, relationship-issues, have same kind of approach-solution, so remind yourself of that often. We encourage self-empowerment and to reach for "full" empowerment. What do we mean? We mean that you can be empowered on ALL subjects and we mean that you can feel powerful and in charge on ALL subjects. Ain't that something?
We encourage self-empowerment and to reach for "full" empowerment. What do we mean? We mean that you can be empowered on ALL subjects and we mean that you can feel powerful and in charge on ALL subjects. Ain't that something?
We always want to emphasise the freedom of your OWN unique choice in all situations, and the fact that however you choose - it will benefit, so let go of the fear of "making desicions". This is something that we notice is stopping you and "messing up" your flow. And we don't mean mess in the "negative sense" as we know everything will benefit, it's just that we're wanting to remind you over and over that it CAN be easier than you currently are making it!!! It can all be VERY easy, joyful, yet challenging although in a beneficial way.
...we're wanting to remind you over and over that it CAN be easier than you currently are making it!!! It can all be VERY easy, joyful, yet challenging although in a beneficial way.
So Remind yourself often of your freedom of choice, which is valid for everyone, even those who are choosing the opposite of what you would. And Remind yourself often of your power, and that everything that is coming your way (however it seems) is of benefit to you! This is valid for all, so when you witness someone else in "trouble", remind yourself of that too. It is BENFICIAL to them. And you witnessing them, however it makes you feel, it is BENEFICIAL to you too. We would reach for as much alignment as we possible could, and alignment always feels Lighter, it feels Easier, it feels like Flow, it feels like "Everything is alright already", it feels like "everything is of benefit, nomatter how it seems right now". It feels better, it feels freer, it feels surer, it feels stable, it feels powerful, it feels like no-strings-attached, it feels like "be however you want, I can hadle it, bring it on", it feels like amazement, it feels like "I am backed up", it feels like "I have guidance in every moment".
We would reach for as much alignment as we possible could, and alignment always feels Lighter, it feels Easier, it feels like Flow, it feels like "Everything is alright already", it feels like "everything is of benefit, nomatter how it seems right now". It feels better, it feels freer, it feels surer, it feels stable, it feels powerful, it feels like no-strings-attached, it feels like "be however you want, I can hadle it, bring it on", it feels like amazement, it feels like "I am backed up", it feels like "I have guidance in every moment".
Go get yourself feeling some more empowerment, there is no end to what you can accomplish! You are a powerful being alright, the details can be JUST as you would love them. Empower yourself, and you are THERE, you can feel it and you KNOW your worthiness! When you feel that way, there is not a care in the world to argue, to try to change feel independant and you KNOW you can live your unique life! You can choose whichever theme of relationships you want it is your life, we are here to remind you there is an even easier and more enjoyable way if you'd fancy. Grab it, if and when you'd like. It will not "expire"!!!
You can choose whichever theme of relationships you want it is your life, we are here to remind you there is an even easier and more enjoyable way if you'd fancy. Grab it, if and when you'd like. It will not "expire"!!!
We love you soo much, and we are always here for you, get a handle on how you can feel us and let us guide you ~ if you want and don't already know. There is SO much empowerment you have no idea, you really do not have the slightest idea, we can assure you - get sniffin on it if curious. It is a delight to live, and you never have to feel "alone" or "unloved". Remind yourself of it!
There is SO much empowerment you have no idea, you really do not have the slightest idea, we can assure you - get sniffin on it if curious. It is a delight to live, and you never have to feel "alone" or "unloved". Remind yourself of it!
August 23th, 2012 *** Related message on Opinions/Family/Parenting/Kids HERE

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