Sunday, August 26, 2012

Opinions ~ Family ~ Kids [How To Make It Easier]

Oh, we find it so cute of you when you get angry about others decisions, especially when it comes to how to raise your kids and what products they should use. We find it so cute because you're making such a hard time for yourselves! With the immense love there is for you and everyone, we find it cute when you get angry and rebel. It is really a very natural way to react, even though there is an easier, still natural, way to react in these situations. What makes it hard for you is that you see your kids as "yours", and society helps you with that false assumption. Society uses your kids to punish you, and control you in a sense. It's very effective because most of you are afraid to be punished and afraid to be seen as outsiders or what you call "abnormal". What you call abnormal, in most cases, we actually call NORMAL. Really, it's not your job to make your kids behave, it's not your job to choose for your kids when comes to anything at all. They are as individual as yourself, and as full of unique desires as yourself, and with as strong will as yourself to Be-The-Uniqueness-Of-Themselves! Remind yourself of this when it comes to all family and relatives that you try to control, change or choose for. Same with the other way around, the ones that are trying to control, change or choose for you. It's none of their business.
What you call abnormal, in most cases, we actually call NORMAL. Really, it's not your job to make your kids behave, it's not your job to choose for your kids when comes to anything at all. They are as individual as yourself, and as full of unique desires as yourself, and with as strong will as yourself to Be-The-Uniqueness-Of-Themselves! Remind yourself of this when it comes to all family and relatives that you try to control, change or choose for. Same with the other way around, the ones that are trying to control, change or choose for you. It's none of their business.
We find the word business funny, busy-ness, yes, you keep yourselves very BUSY with these kind of tasks! And when a new individual comes through into your world, it's custom for you to take care of him or her in some way, since so new that it cannot feed itself so the desire of this newborn is very strongly calling for "an introduction into this world" by whomever it might be. Why we put it this way is because there are many of you who have lived your whole life blaming family members for not being there for you, might it be you were adopted, left at orphanage or having parents that were to busy with trying to making themselves happy such as having as you put it "issues with drugs or alcohol" or whatever else that is consuming their attention. Now, what we are saying is, that really, your family is a gathering of people (smaller or bigger group) that is really simply a gathering of people, that you sometimes "know" (used here as your sense of the word "knowing one another") a lot better than other people surrounding you. You make a big deal out of who belongs to which family and such, a lot more big of a deal that is necessary. Really there is no need to make any deal of it. Your society is amplifying it too, so we understand that you are in most cases "trained" into seeing it this way. And you tend to "feel sorry" for people that have not had the so called "normal" upbringing. We find you so funny in this regard because really, everyone, no matter the "constellation" of the family has a UNIQUE upbringing, everyone - even sisters and brothers of the same family who are living together with same parents!
And you tend to "feel sorry" for people that have not had the so called "normal" upbringing. We find you so funny in this regard because really, everyone, no matter the "constellation" of the family has a UNIQUE upbringing, everyone - even sisters and brothers of the same family who are living together with same parents!
And how a family appear from the "outside", this can not say how "good" or how "bad" this family functions. It's interesting with you setting labels on all things, but we see how it makes it easier for yourselves, however we want to remind you since we have you within our attention right now - what you have labeled is not "universally true" although it is highly truthful for you, yourself. Remind yourselves that when you have labeled something, it is YOUR labeling. And no-one can label accurately for another person, because everyone has a UNIQUE perspective of life that keeps evolving during the lifetime. We see you push against this and that opinion, this and that behavior, this and that product. And it's not so different from any other subject you are dealing with. You have your own unique perspective of life and if you cannot get others to agree on your opinion, at least you want to be respected for it. This we want for you too. Although, remind yourself, when you find yourself in a situation when someone is in strong disagreement with you, this is in most cases fear-based. In some situations it's mostly about frustration with lack-of-respect. But anyhow, remind yourself of these aspects of it. We see you make it hard for yourself in the name of your own fears. It is entertaining. And what we want to remind you of is, exactly THAT, that it is entertaining because it is NOT necessary in this life to make decisions based on fear. You can make your decisions based on PERSONAL PREFERENCE, so make it easy for yourselves, be easy on yourselves and others when they challenge your point of view ~ Remind yourself that no one but you have your own unique perspective, no one.
We see you make it hard for yourself in the name of your own fears. It is entertaining. And what we want to remind you of is, exactly THAT, that it is entertaining because it is NOT necessary in this life to make decisions based on fear. You can make your decisions based on PERSONAL PREFERENCE, so make it easy for yourselves, be easy on yourselves and others when they challenge your point of view ~ Remind yourself that no one but you have your own unique perspective, no one.
And you cannot even understand each others points of view if too far apart. This does not mean that any of you have a "wrong" point of view, this never happens - in the sense that your point of view is YOURS, so do not confuse it with "the right one for everyone" ! Be the chooser of YOUR PERSONAL PREFERENCE, remember how everyone has that privilege and rejoice in the immense variety of wonderful choices to pick from. The funny thing about this topic is that there is a lot of "political debate" around this, and if you find debating interesting then feel free to go ahead and discuss, but remind yourself - if you have a different point of view (which is the most likely), the discussion can be made from a stance of curiosity about the other ones opinion, but if you make it your quest to try control, change or choose opinion for the other one.. if you try to convince each other of your unique point of view, then you are making it very hard for yourselves. As we always point out, you will never say or do anything that will not benefit in the long run. NOTE that we say "in the long run", because it can seem the complete opposite in the current situation that you are in!!! Remind yourself of this, and your life becomes easier instantly!
As we always point out, you will never say or do anything that will not benefit in the long run. NOTE that we say "in the long run", because it can seem the complete opposite in the current situation that you are in!!! Remind yourself of this, and your life becomes easier instantly!
You did not come to struggle your way, although it is your choice and you can choose struggle, you did not intend to make it the hardest on yourself that you could. Remind yourself of it. KNOW that "EASY" is available for you ANYTIME, and it feels lighter, it feels funner, it feels easier... and it's not "cheating" from our point of view - it is ENJOYING LIFE, just as you INTENDED! Now, go ahead, enjoy an EASIER moment, right NOW!!!! We LOVE YOU IMMENSELY!!!
August 26th, 2012 ***Related message on Relationships HERE


  1. I LOVE this! Glad I came across it today - perfect timing, as usual :)
    your friend, Cindy

    1. Perfect timings, so very delightful :))) Thank you for sharing this, Cindy!
