Busy trying to achieve happiness? Where do you think it's hidden? Have you noticed how there is always a new thing to go after "to get happy" or "happier". Some have noticed, and everyone has experience it, although not everyone remembers how it works. It's within. You have all you need within. The calm to get through the storm, the tools to create whatever you dreamed of, the power to be influential on all subjects, the all-knowing-guide hinting for you on how to act in each moment. Have you noticed how EXCELLENT you actually function? You are the solution. You are the cause for your expansion. You are it all when comes to your life. Life is ever changing and you are the single most important cause of how and when it does.
"Life is ever changing and you are the single most important cause of how and when it does."
So it's not changing randomly. It's not "chance" or luck when things go well or not. It's your perspective that matters, and is the single most powerful catalyst for what is happening. And everything happening is always leading to something beneficial, without exception. It's your own perspective of how it looks to you that makes all the difference. When you get yourself into a feeling place of stability, nothing can "hurt" you - regardless the situation at hand. The situation can seem horrendous, but you can go through it happy and whole, regardless. It's the force from within that joins the forces of this whole universe, and when you let YOU join with everything else - YOU are unstoppable.
"It's the force from within that joins the forces of this whole universe, and when you let YOU join with everything else - YOU are unstoppable."
And we never mean that in a destroying way or evil way or "walking all over everyone else"-way. We mean it in the sense that everyone has equal access to joining up with the forces of this universe and reap its benefits, and no one else has to be affected in a negative way ever by it. We see you hesitating as you think about how it might affect others, but everyone is equally powerful as you in that sense. There is no need considering others when going forward in life. And we mean that in the most well meaning way. You can not mess up for anyone else. You can mess up for yourself temporarily, and you can choose to stay in a bad feeling place. That is your ultimate choice. It will all benefit you. But in the very moment of life, the joy is what we'd reach for, the relief is what we'd reach for, the trust is what we'd reach for. Experience by experience this comes easier and easier to do. We'd explore this, if not stable in it already. We would experience ourselves into the knowing of our power, the knowing of our influence, the knowing of the infinite well being that surrounds us and we would revel in it on at least an hourly basis. We'd have fun and take things lightly, because that is how this universe is established, it's for your enjoyment of exploring and coming to new ideas and preferences. It's for YOU. Your personal enjoyment. Isn't that something magnificent to ponder? We'd stand in that firm knowledge and joyfully proceed on the life's journey that we'd continually choose for ourselves in each moment of time.
December 9th, 2012
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